AFRICAN ART EXHIBITION: Opening of the Burundi Empowerment Project photographic exhibition; examples of the political situation and children rights in Burundi/Africa
Sunday, 12 Feb. 2pm at Kinder House
2 Ayr. Street, Cnr Ayr & Parnell St. Parnell.
Exhibition opening: From Feb 12 , 2Pm Opening day, until March 5, during Kinder House normal opening 9AM- 3pm.
Parking is at 470 Parnell Rd at rear of the Bellingham & Wallace & Coast Guard building.(Take side entrance closes to Parnell)
RSVP to email by Wed. Feb. 8.
Music : will be provided by “Heart-strings”, sounds of Africa hits by Oliver “Tuku” Mtukudzi.
Entertainment: treasure hunts & games for children.
Catering: finger food and drinks.
Cost: Free but donations welcome.
Did you know that 8 out of 10 Burundians live on less than US $1.25 per day? Or that Burundi is among the world’s hungriest countries, with 3 in 5 children suffering from stunted growth? Burundi is a country often overlooked or forgotten
To support Burundi Empowerment please email us on or browse the FAQ page for details.